Why use LED Lighting? Because LED lights emit less heat than incandescent bulbs they are ideally suited for showcasing wall art.

For nighttime reading use a 50-watt to a 60-watt equivalent bulb.

Old style bulbs are inefficient as they produce more heat than visible light. By contrast LED bulbs use electricity more efficiently, as they produce less heat and much more visible light. LED bulbs use only 15% of the energy of filament and Halogen bulbs, which results in a significant reduction in energy bills.

Use a bulb with a bright white color temperature for your kitchen.

Make sure pendant lights have a 30- to 36-inch clearance above countertops and tables.

LED tape lights can be cut to fit any application.

With LED bulbs becoming even more efficient and prices falling year on year, average payback periods have dropped to below a year, meaning LED bulbs literally pay for themselves in conserved engery. LED is also mercury-free and every reduction in mercury use helps the environment.

Position sconces beside a bathroom mirror. Choose 20-watt to 25-watt equivalent bulbs.

Keep the light in your office no brighter than your computer screen to prevent eye fatigue.
What is a LED lamp / light?
An LED lamp is a light-emitting diode product that is assembled into a lamp (or light bulb) for use in lighting fixtures.
Such lamps have a lifespan and electrical efficiency that is several times better than incandescent lamps, and significantly better
than most fluorescent lamps, with some chips able to emit more than 100 lumens per watt.
Qualities of LED:
Reduces energy costs — uses at least 75% less energy than incandescent lighting, saving on operating expenses.
Reduces maintenance costs — lasts 35 to 50 times longer than incandescent lighting and about 2 to 5 times longer than fluorescent
lighting. No bulb-replacements, no ladders, no ongoing disposal program.
Reduces cooling costs — LEDs produce very little heat.
Is guaranteed — comes with a minimum three-year warranty — far beyond the industry standard.
Offers convenient features — available with dimming on some indoor models and automatic daylight shut-off and motion sensors
on some outdoor models.
Is durable — won’t break like a bulb.
Light comes on instantly when turned on.
No flicker when dimmed.
Excellent color quality. The shade of white light appears clear and consistent over time.
Brightness is equal to or greater than existing lighting technologies (incandescent or fluorescent) and light is well distributed over
the area lighted by the fixture.